
This year's entertainment will feature the musical and storytelling talents of Kelle Jolly, The "Tennessee Uklele Lady". Kelle is a prominent figure on the Knoxville music scene and a 2023 Black Appalachian Storytellers Fellow with the National Association of Black Storytellers and South Arts.
Silent Auction

Before the program, mingle in the River Room to bid on exclusive gifts, products, and experiences donated by local businesses and individuals. You'll have to be quick to outbid your competition for a farm-to-table dinner at Windy Hill, an auto wash package, a golf adventure, and more! All proceeds benefit Imagination Library of Knox County.
Imagination Library

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library of Knox County mails one new, age-appropriate book each month to any Knox County child from birth until age five at no cost to the family.
Imagination Library is supported by our community—by foundations, corporations, grants, and individual donors like you! Consider making a donation today to help us grow Knox County's future readers.
Past Honorees

2021: The Nurses of the Childbirth Center at Parkwest Medical Center